JJ Rowe Diary: 6 Mar 1889


The troops finally disembark, and Joseph describes their temporary accommodations at Colaba in Bombay (Mumbai), and the company’s plans to move on to their final destination.

Troopship HMS Euphrates

The Diary Entry

6.3.89 Wednesday

All hurry bustle & confusion given in hammock, shifting baggage off. 5 companys are going down to Wellington in a small troopship called the Galousa & there companys & all but a few of the married families have to stop behind her at the Colaba Depot. We disembarked at 3 pm, as we steamed away in a lighter pulled by a steam tug{?} to shove. What a splendid vessel the Euphrates looked to these small ones.

At landing we all went into sheds & had some tea, loaded up the light baggage on mules & buffalow carts & their where some horses & cabs send down for the women & children.

We are to remain behind here for 8 or 10 days till the Ship comes back. We are laying under canvas in tents. Some couple have a small tent by themselves, others there is three or four families in. There is three in our tent, Sergt Major of Artillery & wife & 4 children & a Sergt & Wife of ours & 4 children. Our beds are on iron trestles & three boards & the beds are filled with jungle grass, it is used in place of straw.

Had some bread & fried fish for supper & iced lemonade. I am going to sleep in a tent with some Artillery men as none of the married men are going to sleep in this tent tonight.