JJ Rowe Diary: 3 Mar 1889


It’s Sunday, and Joseph attends religious service aboard ship.

The Diary Entry

3.3.89 (Sunday)

On watch last night. Helped to wash decks down this morning at 4.30 am.

Went to Divine Service at 10.30. No Sermon as it was Communion Sunday.

Had fresh beef for dinner. There was a Service on deck this afternoon. A few Officer & Ladie’s Attend. It was very short, the Sermon, if so it was called, only lasted about 10 minutes.

Gave the remainder of our books & papers away today. one of the Christian Sailors gave a lot away. I think he gets things from Miss Robinsons Institute in Portsmouth, to give to the troops on the voyage. Very tired, both of us feel asleep on deck, 8 pm off to bed.

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