JJ Rowe Diary: 25 Feb 1889


It’s another hot day aboard ship, but the ocean is calm. Joseph reports seeing porpoises and flying fish.

The Diary Entry

25.2.89 (Monday)

Arose about 4.30. Went & had a bath. Sea like glass, never saw sea like it before. Heat is almost unbearable.

Pollie much better Thank God.

Saw a lot of fish called porpoises, & flying fish.

Had preserve mutton for dinner. Pollie had some fryed fish for dinner a Marine a friend of our gave her. We had tea in woman Quarters. Had some of our ham, enjoyed it much.

About 730 pm Sergt Major gave me a bottle of Armonack for Pollie, it had been packed in ice & was lovely & cold & was quite refreshing for her. Some one brought her a nice supper, of baked fresh beef, French bean’s & potatoes. Whether the Doctor ordered it for her I dont know. A Warrant Officer of the Navy came their enquiring for Mrs Rowe, & a sailor with him carring the dinner. She enjoyed it much.

I am going to sleep on deck tonight for it too hot to sleep below.