JJ Rowe Diary: 22 Feb 1889


A very short diary entry, as the troopship enters the Gulf of Suez.

WARNING: This is a transcription of an historical document. Some of the diary entries contain offensive language and stereotypes that must be understood in the context of the times. Such language and stereotypes are not acceptable today and are not condoned by the author of this blog.

The Diary Entry

22.2.89 Friday

Lovely morning. Started from Suez about 10 a am. In the Gulf of Suez, land both sides. Bought some eggs of the boats which came along side this morning. Could not tell what race of people, they were some blacks & some dirty colour, Greeks, Jews, Arabs & Egyptians all mixed.

Dancing on decks again. Tonight stars shine. Water smooth, it look something splendid.

Been very hot today. Ship deck covered with canvas to keep sun off.

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